The NHEFS survey was designed to investigate the relationships between clinical,
nutritional, and behavioural factors assessed in the first National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey NHANES I and subsequent morbidity, mortality, and hospital utilization
as well as changes in risk factors, functional limitation, and institutionalization. For more information see
现在提到了代写服务,肯定很多人都不会觉得陌生,就算是国内也是有着专业代写作业的服务行业的,能够为有需求的学生提供很多的帮助,不过其实代写机构在国外会更获得学生的支持,这是因为国外的学校对于平时的作业要求比较严格,为了获得更高的分数顺利毕业,不少留学生就会让代写机构帮忙完成作业,比较常见的作业代写类型,就是计算机专业了,因为对于留学生来说这个技术对于Machine Learning或者AI的代码编程要求更高,所以找代写机构完成作业会简单轻松很多,那么代写机构的水平,要怎么选择才会比较高?
作业的难度相信很多人都很熟悉,特别是对于AI深度学习或者是人工神经网络这种算法来说,因为要对SVM、Design Tree、线性回归以及编程有很高的要求,可以说作业的完成要求非常高,因此才会带动代写机构的发展,找专业的代写机构,一般都是会有专业的人员帮忙进行作业的完成,因为这类型的作业对专业要求比较高,因此代写机构也要具备专业能力才可以,否则很容易导致作业的完成出现问题,出现低分的评价。
htm. This question will involve using this data to estimate the average causal effect
of smoking cessation on weight gain.
(a) Individuals were classified as treated if they reported, being smokers at baseline
in 1971-75, and having quit smoking in the 1982 survey. The latter implies that
the individuals included in our study did not die and were not otherwise lost to
follow-up between baseline and 1982 (otherwise they would not have been able
to respond to the survey). That is, we selected individuals into our study conditional on an event (responding to the 1982 survey) that occurred after the start of smoking cessation. If smoking cessation affects the probability of selection
into the study, we might have selection bias (Hernan, Robins, 2014 Chapter 12,
page 11).
Would a randomized experiment of smoking cessation have this problem? How
could a randomized experiment of smoking cessation be designed? What is
the major difference between the latter randomized experiment and this study
(NHEFS survey)?
(b) Should a statistician be concerned that using the NHEFS data to compare weight
loss in the group of subjects that quit smoking versus those that did not quit
smoking is biased? If yes then state why you think the comparison might be
biased, otherwise state why the comparison is unbiased.
(c) Use R to estimate the propensity score for each subject in the study. Use
the variables: sex, race, age, education.code, smokeintensity, smokers, exercise,
active, wt71 as covariates. After calculating the propensity score use the Match
function in R to match subjects on the propensity score. Does the balance
between the two groups improve after matching? Hand in your R code and
(d) Estimate the effect of smoking cessation on weight loss using propensity score
matching? Did the propensity reduce the bias in estimating the treatment effect?
What assumption can make to conclude that smoking cessation causes weight
loss? Do you think this assumption is valid? Briefly explain. Hand in your R
code and output
prop.model<-glm(qsmk~sex+race+age+education.code+smokeintensity+smokeyrs+exercise+active+wt71, family = binomial(), data = nhefshwdat)
nhefshwdat$p.qsmk.obs <- ifelse(qsmk == 0, 1 - predict(prop.model, type = "response"),
+ predict(prop.model, type = "response"))#用上一步得到的模型预测每一个观测对象的戒烟概率为多少,并赋值给p.qsmk.obs这个变量。
X <- prop.model$fitted#对nhefshwdat数据集中原始数据进行拟合
Y <- nhefshwdat$wt82_71#Y为观测对象从71年到82年的体重变化
Tr <-nhefshwdat$qsmk#Tr为观测对象是否戒烟
rr <-Match(Y=Y,Tr=Tr,X=X,M=1)#使用Match命令,对于每个戒烟的观测对象,找出一个与之具有最接近的概率值的,可是抽烟的观测对象,使得任何戒烟的观察对象的对照对象都具有唯一性,换言之,只能1对1匹配。观测他们的体重变化差异。
在此对LE PHUONG对本文所作的贡献表示诚挚感谢,她在山东大学完成了计算机科学与技术专业的硕士学位,专注数据分析、数据可视化、数据采集等。擅长Python、SQL、C/C++、HTML、CSS、VSCode、Linux、Jupyter Notebook。